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Violet Flame Reiki


Violet Flame Reiki



The violet flame emanates from the violet light, the 7th ray of the divine light. The religious power of love, mercy, forgiveness, and transmutation are all united on this one effective healing tool. The ascended grasp Saint Germain found that this divine healing power stimulates religious increase and self-transformation.

The energy of the violet transmuting flame has demonstrated powerful in historical times. The ascended grasp Saint Germain has launched his teachings approximately this sacred hearthplace to mankind to assist them with religious development.

The violet flame of the ascended grasp St. Germain ambitions to convert terrible human power into tremendous divine power. Thus, Reiki practitioners use violet flame of their approach for holistic healing. Reiki and the violet flame mediation each assist smoothen the power float via way of means of disposing of obstructions because of emotional and mental tensions.

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