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Inner Child Healing


Inner Child Healing



The inner child courses teaches us how to reconnect with our innocence. The part of our being that sees every experience with fresh eyes of wonder and excitement. The purpose is to teach you how to get back to that level of consciousness by simply reconnecting with this part of your being. Being a conscious adult is recognizing what your inner child needs in every given moment, and honoring that.

This process is part of shadow work, as it requires us to reconnect with the parts of ourselves that we have locked away or avoided. It can also bring up trauma in which your inner child was abused, neglected, or harmed and so being ready to do this work in a safe way.

· It is super powerful in healing any childhood trauma and reconnecting you with a feeling of safety in your body.
· It is great for parents who are wanting to connect more deeply with their children.
· Anyone who feels they lost connection to themselves, dislike being alone, or fears loneliness – as inner child work will unlock those fears.
· Anyone who is feeling lost in their purpose, or lacking passion in their life, and wanting to feel more fulfilled, meaningful, joyful and blissful existence.

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